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How it works

Idioma Fácil works as a virtual platform with on-line teachers or self study form.


Self study. PREMIUM

- You learn no matter where through desktop, tablet or smartphone. It works 24/7.

- The learning method is divided in 5 parts: Introduction, Pronunciation, Grammar, Conversation and Exercises.


Classes with teacher. PREMIUM VIP

- Access to PREMIUM content plus an exclusive teacher.

- For advanced students there are conversation classes with an exclusive teacher.

- You can choose between one hour class per week or 2 classes of half an hour.



Teachers data base study.

For private teachers of the data base, the student can do in person depending the location or on-line as well.


In Company studies.

We implant a local teaching inside the company, with an exclusive teacher, teaching personally with e-book and on-line site's lessons. Get in touch to know where is available for your company.


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Avaliação de Lojas e-bit
Copyright by Idiomafácil @ 2011 - 2015