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An on-line method to learn Brazilian Portuguese.

It has audio, video classes, grammar, exercises, translations and repetitions.

Simple design to be easily accessed from your tablet or smartphone.



- Train the language learning with teachers and other students in exclusive chat rooms for each language.


Self study. PREMIUM

- Starts with a Introduction of the class themes with audio. Here we recomend to read each word, listen it and repeat out loud. After this listen again. If necessary repeat the process.

- Then go to Pronunciation repeating Introduction process.

- In Grammar there are translations and verb conjugations, as well as explanations of the content given.

- In Exercises work on the written part with multiple choice and written exercises and translations. It indicates right or wrong right away. For oral translation translate directly each phrase first and listen the audio. Feeling difficult repeat the process

Doing a little each day is possible to notice the evolution quickly. We recomend to initiate and finish the process at each study. You are able to revise as many times you want.


Study with teachers. PREMIUM VIP

- Access to PREMIUM content plus an exclusive teacher.

- The classes are done individually following the script of the class. The focus is on pronunciation.

- For advanced students there is conversation classes.

- Do the first class with an on-line teacher for free! Schedule in the bottom link:


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Avaliação de Lojas e-bit
Copyright by Idiomafácil @ 2011 - 2015